photographers’ gallery press no. 8

photographers’ gallery press no. 8
年1回発行の機関誌『photographers’ gallery press』第8号。
田本研造 北海道開拓写真・田本アルバム他
大下智一 田本研造──その生涯と業績
倉石信乃 「北海道写真」の前提
土屋誠一 写真史・68年──「写真100年」再考
谷口雅春 交差なき眼差しの系譜──北海道は自らをどう見すえるか
田中里実 写真作品と作者──古写真における作者の問題点
三井圭司 パノラマ写真考──モノとしての古写真
田本研造年譜 大下智一 編
港千尋 魚の眼に泪──疋田豊治の写真群
疋田豊治 疋田写真コレクションより
──クリストファー・フィリップスに聞く 聞き手:甲斐義明
橋本一径 〈指標〉から〈型どり〉へ──ジョルジュ・ディディ=ユベルマン『接触による類似』をめぐって
photographers’ gallery press no. 8
発行:photographers’ gallery
ISBN 978-4-907865-17-7

疋田豊治 疋田写真コレクションより
橋本一径 <指標>から<型どり>へ ──ジョルジュ・ディディ=ユベルマン『接触による類似』をめぐって
境界を越える写真──クリストファー・フィリップスに聞く (聞き手:甲斐義明)
Photography beyond Borders: An Interview with Christopher Phillips by Yoshiaki Kai
Kai interviews Christopher Phillips who is well known for his essay “The Judgment Seat of Photography” and a curator from International Center of Photography, New York. He talks about his background and recent Japanese Photography in the interview of 12pages.
Kenzo Tamoto
This issue features Kenzo Tamoto, a photographer, who has a strong influence on Japanese Photography on the postwar. He is well known as the first documentary photographer in Japan and the pioneer of Hokkaido Photography (Hokkaido is the second largest island in Japan and is located the northern most.), but all the details of his work have not yet been brought to light.
In 2009 marks the 150th anniversary of the opening of the port of Hakodate, Hokkaido, this issue carries 496 photographs , which tell us how Hokkaido Land Development (in the second half of 18th century) was taken, with remarkable texts.
*Kenzo Tamoto (1831-1912)
Born in Kumano, Wakayama Prefecture. After studying medicine and chemistry in Nagasaki, he moved to Hakodate, Hokkaido, where newly opened its port to the world in 1859. Despite having his leg amputated due to necrosis caused by hypothermia, he learned photography from a Russian doctor in charge of the surgery and became a photographer. In 1871, he was asked by the Settlement Offiece of Hokkaido Land Development to document the project and then started shooting around Sapporo, where just started new development. Then he kept a record of the project about 10 years and has left a large group of photographs.
These photographs were discovered as the “origin of documentary” in the postwar history of Japanese Photography and have strong influence on many photographers such as Daido MORIYAMA, Takuma NAKAHIRA and so on.
Kenzo Tamoto
Hokkaido Land Development Photography and TAMOTO Album and so on
Kenzo Tamoto:
His Life and Achievement (Jp/En)
Tomokazu Oshita
Presupposition of “Hokkaido Photography”
Shino Kuraishi
The History of Japanese Photography 1968:
Reconsidering “A Hundred Years of Photography”
Seiichi Tuchiya
Genealogy of Gazes Not Crossed:
How Hokkaido See Himself?
Masaharu Taniguchi
Photographic Works and the Author:
The Problem of Authorship in Early Photography
Satomi Tanaka
The Theory of Panorama Photography:
Photographs As Things
Keishi Mitsui
Kenzo Tamoto Timeline
edited by Tomokazu Oshita
From Index to Imprint:
On La resemblance par contact by Georges Didi-Huberman
Kazumichi Hashimoto
Photography beyond Borders:
An Interview with Christopher Phillips (Jp/En)
by Yoshiaki Kai
photographers’ gallery press no. 8
Publisher: photographers’ gallery
Book size: B5size(W182 × H257mm)
Number of pages: 400 pages
Date of issue: April 30, 2009
Price: 4.104 yen (tax included)
Responsible for issuing: Keizo Kitajima
Editor in chief: Masashi Otomo
Design: Isao Tanaka