photographers’ gallery 企画展 Nick Haymes/ニック・ヘイムズ
“The Last Survivor is the First Suspect” 2023/10/17 - 2023/10/29 12:00 - 20:00 会期中無休 / DAILY OPEN

  • Nick-Haymes
  • Nick-Haymes
  • Nick-Haymes
  • Nick-Haymes

この度、photographers’ galleryでは企画展としてニック・ヘイムズ写真展「The Last Survivor is the First Suspect」を開催いたします。

ロサンゼルスを拠点とする写真家、ニック・ヘイムズが2005年から2009年にかけて撮影した本作は、南カリフォルニアとオクラホマ州タルサを中心に放浪する若い友人たちのコミュニティの記録です。そこでは、友情や絆の芽生えを記録する喜びとともに、やがて訪れるであろう一連の悲劇につながる恐れの感触とがないまぜになって物語られています。撮影から時を隔てた2021年、写真集『The Last Survivor is the First Suspect』としてKodoji Pressから刊行された本作は、若い友人たちへの祝福、そして鎮魂歌でもあります。


ヘイムズは10代の頃に生じた極度の人見知りを、カメラによって補うことができたと語っています。「カメラを手に取って身を潜めれば、関わらずとも、再び人々のそばにいて、彼らと親密になれることに気がついた。」写真集の制作に際し、ヘイムズはこの写真群に立ち戻り、写した人々に何が起こったのかを自身のためにつなぎ合わせていきました。そして、この特定の出来事との現在ならではの関わり方を模索し、物事は異なっているようでいてどこか同じでもあることを示唆しています。イギリス人作家L・P・ハートリー(L. P. Hartley)は青春小説『恋を覗く少年(The Go-Between)』の冒頭に、「過去は異国である。そこでは人々の生き方がまるで違う。」という名文を残しています。本作は、この感覚をきわめて明快に表していると言えるでしょう。

写真集『The Last Survivor is the First Suspect』 Kodoji Press, Baden 2021
Text by Nick Haymes, English
17 × 24 cm, 480 pages, 836 images on full bleed color plates, softcover
ISBN 978-3-03747-080-0 ¥8,800(税込)

ニック・ヘイムズ Nick Haymes

イギリス、ストラトフォード=アポン=エイヴォン生まれ。ロサンゼルスを拠点に活動。自身の制作以外にも、2010年より「Little Big Man books and gallery」を設立し、数多くのアーティストの写真集・作品集の出版も手がける。


17 – 29 October,2023
12-8 pm / DAILY OPEN

The photographers’ gallery is pleased to present the exhibition “The Last Survivor is the First Suspect” by Nick Haymes.

The Last Survivor is the First Suspect is at once a celebration and a requiem. The project, captured between 2005 and 2009 by photographer Nick Haymes, is a record of a drifting community of young friends based mainly between two distinct geographic points: Southern California and Tulsa, Oklahoma. The book’s narrative merges a sense of joy in documenting burgeoning friendships and bonds, and a looming sense of dread that would ultimately culminate in a series of tragedies.

Weaving throughout the book’s intimate photographs are a series of digital screenshots which Haymes has identified as key to this moment in time, which offer the viewer a secondary narrative of engagement. Social media was still relatively young and Haymes became acutely aware of a new nodal sense of communication between these distinct groups of friends. Platforms such as MySpace, YouTube and online message boards engendered a sense of community by enabling connection, while also setting new and impossible standards and expectations. Diligently collected, these various forms of communication between the characters frame a foreboding that grows as the pages turn. Haymes dots the pages with references to live geotags and URL addresses that allow the curious viewer to dig deeper into the book’s subjective truths.

In Haymes’ own introduction he accounts how his camera allowed him to compensate for a sense of crippling shyness developed during his teenage years. ‘I picked up a camera and hid, discovering I could once again be near people, intimate with them, without having to engage,’ he writes. To create this publication, the artist has returned to a body of pictures, piecing together what happened to these people for himself. Here, Haymes invites us to form a contemporary engagement with this specific historic moment, where things are both different and the same in equal measure. L.P. Hartley famously opened his coming of age opus The Go-Between ‘The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.’ The Last Survivor is the First Suspect shows this sentiment with remarkable clarity.

Nick Haymes is a visual artist and photographer born in Stratford Upon Avon (UK), living and working in Los Angeles. Haymes studied fine art, but dropped out in his second year; using a fake ID under a friend’s name he subsequently studied photography at SVA and ICP. In 2010 Haymes started Little Big Man books and gallery.