Keiko Sasaoka/笹岡 啓子
“SHORELINE” 2016/11/29 - 2016/12/25 12:00 - 20:00 会期中無休 / DAILY OPEN



展示内容/インクジェットプリント 10点

New works by Keiko Sasaoka capturing the sea of Kashima in Ibaraki Prefecture and the sand dunes of Tottori Prefecture.

Since the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011, in such a way that taking photographs, Keiko Sasaoka has been facing up to the each place being still work in progress from the major disasters. On the other hand, from the beginning of her activity, she has also been interested in the terrain and the surface revealing the origin of the places: coastlines and volcanoes. “SHORELINE” is an attempt to follow “the contiguous sea” beyond the tense from the current topography.


B5判変型/8+1頁/カラー 発行:KULA 定価:300円(税込)

SHORELINE 25: 鹿島灘 26: 鳥取砂丘 27: 陸前高田 28: 南三陸
[Latest issues will be published on 29th Nov.]
Keiko Sasaoka “SHORELINE” 25: The Sea of Kashima 26: Tottori Sand Dunes 27: Rikuzentakata, Iwate 28: Minamisanriku, Miyagi

  • shoreline25
  • shoreline26
  • shoreline27
  • shoreline28

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Installation views

keiko sasaoka
keiko sasaoka