Little Big Man Gallery

北島敬三の個展 “NEW STREET HISTORY” が、ロサンジェルスのLittle Big Man galleryで10月15日より11月27日まで開催されます。
OCTOBER 15 – NOVEMBER 27, 2016
Little Big Man Gallery
1427 E. 4th Street, Unit #2
Los Angeles, CA 90033
In 1975 Kitajima joined the Workshop Photo School where he studied with Daidō Moriyama and established relationships with other distinguished photographers. The Workshop dissolved the following year, but it allowed Kitajima to make a place for himself in Tokyo’s photography community. Subsequently he established an alternative gallery space, Image Shop Camp, with Moriyama and Seiji Kurata in 1976. During that time he built a photographic body of work that focused on Tokyo and culminated in a yearlong series of monthly solo exhibitions at Image Shop Camp in 1979, titled Photo Express: Tokyo. This work presents a disorderly and aggressive portrait of the people of Tokyo.
Moriyama encouraged Kitajima to expand his scope to beyond the confines of Japan. In 1981, Kitajima spent six months in New York roaming the gritty streets and frequenting clubs. The rich black and white aesthetic of his New York series combines soft edges with a classic urban street photography style. The images he captured during his visit present a vision of eighties New York that was full of energy and abundance while also encapsulating scenes of quiet desperation. He later published the work in a book titled after the city.
The photographs in A.D.1991 were made during a series of trips between 1983 and 1990 throughout Eastern and Western cities, including Tokyo, Seoul, Hong Kong, New York, London, Paris, Berlin, Budapest, Warsaw, and Prague. The images in this body of work feature close-up color and black-and-white street-style portraits, juxtaposed with images of unpopulated urban landscapes.
About Keizo Kitajima
Keizo Kitajima was born in 1954 in Suzaka (Nagano Prefecture), Japan. He began photography at an early age; his discovery of the precursory works of Nobuyoshi Araki and Daidō Moriyama marked his teenage years. He was an original member of the Workshop Photo School. Like Moriyama, Kitajima developed an interest in the creative potential of photography’s reproducibility, but he took the notion of transformation in a very different direction, focusing on the layers of reproduction in his own work rather than the degeneration of cultural media. Kitajima’s photography is haunted by an obsession: identity, or rather the opposite; what Kitajima himself calls un-identity.
Image credit: Keizo Kitajima, A.D. 1991.
Gallery hours are Thursday through Saturday 12PM – 6PM
or by appointment nick@littlebigmangallery.com
For media inquiries please contact Jessica McCormack: