展覧会:笹岡啓子 “PARK CITY” The Third Gallery Aya
笹岡啓子個展「PARK CITY」が大阪のThe Third Gallery Ayaで開催されます。

笹岡啓子個展「PARK CITY」
The Third Gallery Aya (大阪市西区江戸堀1-8-24若狭ビル2F)
火曜-金曜 12:00–19:00 土曜 12:00–17:00
笹岡啓子は、2001年から2009年にかけて広島平和記念公園とその周辺を撮影し写真集『PARK CITY』(インスクリプト、2009年)を出版しました。その後も各地での写真展開催や東日本大震災による被災地域の撮影(『Remembrance』)、また『photographers’ gallery press no.12』での広島取材などを通じ、継続して公園都市・広島へ関心を寄せてきました。深い陰影が画面の大半を占め、またそこに写る人びとの顔が見えない平和記念公園=爆心地の写真は、見えにくいものを見続けることの意味を問いかけてくるかのようです。
日 時|6月6日[火]19:30–21:00
定 員|25人(要予約・FAPA会員の優先予約枠有)
申込先|tamaki(at)thethirdgalleryaya.com 06 6445 3557
会 場|The Third Gallery Aya
Keiko Sasaoka solo exhibition “PARK CITY”
June 6 – 24, 2017
The Third Gallery Aya
Wakasa Bldg.2F,1-8-24 Edobori, Nishi-ku, Osaka Japan 550-0002
12:00-19:00/Tue-Fri 12:00-17:00/Sat Closed on Sun and Mon
The Third Gallery Aya is very pleased to announce a solo show titled “Park City” by SASAOKA Keiko.
SASAOKA published her photo book Park City in 2009, a collection of photographs taken around Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park from 2001 to 2009. She has grown her interest in the “park city” of Hiroshima through exhibitions in various places, in her pictures of areas hit by the Great East Japan Earthquake (Remembrance) that share a legacy of disaster, and interviews in Hiroshima for Photographers’ Gallery Press no. 12. One of her works, taken at the hypocenter of the blast, is dominated by a dark shadow covering the faces of people around, exploring the significance of continuing to see what is invisible to the eye.
In this exhibition, we present a slide projection in reorganized form of the series of works she has taken over the past 10 years, in addition to prints of her early and best-known works. This evocation of the legacy of radiation exposure in Hiroshima will highlight and explore the complexity of individual memories fallen into oblivion, sparking reflection on our own current condition instead of simply shallow understanding or sympathy.
On the first day of the exhibition (June 6) from 19:30-21:00, SASAOKA will have a talk with MITAMURA Akira, also a photographer taking pictures of Hiroshima. It will be interesting conversation that shows us the different yet similar thoughts of these two photographers, who shoot the same subjects with different points of view.