Mariko Takahashi/高橋 万里子
- 1970
- 神奈川県生まれ
- 1994
- 東京造形大学卒業
- 2022
- 「スーベニア」(ニコンサロン・東京)
- 「スーベニア」(photographers’ gallery・東京)
- 2019
- 「スーベニア」 (photographers’ gallery, Kula Photo Gallery・東京)
- 2013
- 「人形画」 (Kula Photo Gallery・東京)
- 2011
- 「Night Birds」 (photographers’ gallery・東京)
- 「lonely sweet」 (Kula Photo Gallery・東京)
- 2009
- 「月光 1. 人形」 (photographers’ gallery・東京)
- 「月光 2. 赤い花」 (photographers’ gallery・東京)
- 「月光 3. 剥製」 (photographers’ gallery・東京)
- 「月光 4. 男影」 (photographers’ gallery・東京)
- 2008
- 「月光画」 (photographers’ gallery・東京)
- 2007
- 「月光画」 (photographers’ gallery・東京)
- 2006
- 「手触りの細く小さきほど」 (photographers’ gallery・東京)
- 「Homemade Cake」 (マルプギャラリー・東京)
- 2005
- 「手触りの細く小さきほど」 (gallery ARTE・香川)
- 2004
- 「ハチミツ」 (photographers’ gallery・東京)
- 「spring」 (photographers’ gallery・東京)
- 「ニジノハラワタ」 (photographers’ gallery/IKAZUCHI・東京)
- 2003
- 「くびったけ」 (photographers’ gallery・東京)
- 2000
- 「MESS」 (銀座小野画廊 II・東京)
- 2008
- 「現代写真の母型2008『写真ゲーム』」 (川崎市市民ミュージアム・神奈川)
- 「MOTアニュアル2008『解きほぐすとき』」(東京都現代美術館・東京)
- 「人形の・夢・見ゆるひと」 (高松市歴史資料館・香川)
- 「Daegu Photo Biennale 2008」 ( EXCO・テグ/韓国)
- 2006
- 「VOCA展2006」 (上野の森美術館・東京)
- 2005
- 「借りた場所、借りた時間 photographers’ gallery 横浜展」 (BankART studio NYK・神奈川)
- 2003
- 「photographers’ gallery」展 (中京大学アートギャラリー C・スクエア・愛知)
- 2002
- 「Art Scholarship 2001入選展」 (exhibit LIVE 東京)
- 1997
- 「写真3.3m²展」 (ガーディアン・ガーデン 東京)
- 1994
- 「性の螺旋」 (平永町橋ギャラリー・東京)
- 2004
- photographers’ gallery File07『ニジノハラワタ』 (photographers’ gallery)
- 1970
- Born in Kanagawa, Japan
- 1994
- Graduated from Tokyo Zokei University, Major in Design
Solo Exhibitions
- 2019
- “Souvenir”, photographers’ gallery, Kula Photo Gallery, Tokyo
- 2013
- “Ningyoga”, Kula Photo Gallery, Tokyo
- 2011
- “Night Birds”, photographers’ gallery, Tokyo
- “lonely sweet”, Kula Photo Gallery, Tokyo
- 2009
- “moonlight 1.”, photographers’ gallery, Tokyo
- “moonlight 2.” , photographers’ gallery, Tokyo
- “moonlight 3.”, photographers’ gallery, Tokyo
- “moonlight 4.”, photographers’ gallery, Tokyo
- 2008
- “moonlightgraphs”, photographers’ gallery, Tokyo
- 2007
- “moonlightgraphs”, photographers’ gallery, Tokyo
- 2006
- “The Finer and Small Feel of the Hand”, photographers’ gallery, IKAZUCHI, Tokyo
- “Homemade Cake”, Malpu gallery, Tokyo
- 2005
- “The Finer and Small Feel of the Hand”, gallery ARTE, Kagawa
- 2004
- “Honey”, photographers’ gallery, Tokyo
- “Spring”, photographers’ gallery, Tokyo
- “Intestines of Rainbow”, photographers’ gallery, IKAZUCHI, Tokyo
- 2003
- “Crazy about you” , photographers’ gallery, Tokyo
- 2000
- “Mess” , ONO Gallery 2, Tokyo
Selected Group Exhibitions
- 2008
- “Towards a Game of Photography; Matrix of Photography 2008”, Kawasaki City Museum, Kanagawa
- “MOT annual 2008 Unraveling and Revealing”, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo
- “Wishing dolls”, Takamatsu Historical Museum, Kagawa
- “Daegu Photo Biennale 2008”, EXCO, Daegu, South Korea
- 2006
- “The Vision of Contemporary Art”, The Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo
- 2005
- “on Borrowed Time, in a Borrowed Place; photographers’ gallery exhibition in Yokohama”, BankART Studio NYK, Kanagawa
- 2003
- “photographers’ gallery exhibition”, Chukyo art gallery C. SQUARE, Aichi
- 2002
- “Art Scholarship 2001 Selected Artists exhibition”, LIVE [laiv], Tokyo
- 1997
- “10th 3.3m² photography”, Guardian Garden, Tokyo
- 1994
- “SexSpiral”, Hiranagachobashi gallery, Tokyo
- 2004
- photographers’ gallery File 07; “Intestines of Rainbow” , photographers’ gallery
- 2002
- participated in photographers’ gallery, Tokyo